Easy Home Recipes

Curry leaves chutney recipe

Describing food is not as easy as it would seem. A scrumptious meal put together with a few basic ingredients can still deliver a pocket of unique taste and flavor. The curry leaves powder is used in most South-Indian dishes to balance the flavor or highlight a specific flavor profile.  Today, I bring you the Curry leaves chutney recipe.

“Chutney” in South India is a preferred side dish which balances the dish in flavor and it may be either sweet or spicy.

What is the importance of Curry leaves or Why using curry leaves in your food is good for you?

Curry leaves or kadi patta are popular in India because of their aroma and striking taste. The curry leaf tree was originally grown in India for its aromatic leaves. It slowly made the way to many Asian kitchens because of its amazing and distinct flavor. They are rich in vitamins A, B, and B2. Curry leaves are also said to be good sources of iron and calcium. They also serve as a remedy for hair fall.

Ingredients for the Curry leaves chutney

  • 1 grated dry coconut  
  • 5 to 7 Red chilies   
  • A Bunch of Curry leaves  
  • 2 Tablespoons of Chana dal     
  • 1 Pea shaped Tamarind
  • Salt (to taste) as required

How to make the Curry leaves chutney?

♦    Clean the curry leaves and let them dry.
♦    Dry roast the dry coconut on a pan.
♦    Add chana dal.
♦    When half roasted, add red chilies and fry until golden.
♦    Do not burn, set aside to cool.
♦    In the same pan, add a little oil and heat. Fry curry leaves until they are crisp and then cool them.

♦    In a Blender, bring this mixture together.
♦    Add a little tamarind and salt as per taste.
♦    Blend them till it becomes powder.


♦    Store them in Air tight glass jar and use as needed.
♦    Best combination when served with Idli and Dosa.

“There is no love sincere than the love for food” and I can safely say my love for food is beyond sincere.

We hope you enjoyed the Curry leaves chutney recipe. For more Easy home recipes, click here

By Priyanka Kamath

“One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well”. The only thing I like better than “talking about food” is EATING food. Food is the ingredient that binds us together. Last name – Hungry. First name – Always. So what’s my name? 😉

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